Friday, September 11, 2009

Sean LePera's Blog

Hello again everyone.
As I was laying down and staring at a box with little people moving around in it, I realized that I did not identify who I was in the latest blog (the first one you received from me).. I felt bad.. I felt like one of those scamers.. I felt so bad that... I continued to lye there and stair at the little people... I think the show was the female cop show Rennae like...
By the way, don't you think that is weird. The TV show COPS is not her type of show (I imagine other women think that as well). Just about bad guys, bad guys baby's mama coursing the cops (after she calls them of course), and drugs. But you make the cops female and nooowww you have an interesting show. OK... I can see how it could be more interesting..... BUT they are cops to... If anything, guys would like it more because seeing those women in uniform.... Yeah you know ladies. Your married to Sailors... A better show than cops to me would be where they don't even arrest drug dealers.. Just ship them off to Antarctica shoveling the other white stuff...

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